I took the Alaia out today for the first time. I had been surfing my longboard in about shoulder-high surf for over an hour and was anxious to run back to the car to get it. When I finally popped in [...]
I read Cormac McCarthy‘s The Road last summer and walked around in a stupor for about a week. The book was so vivid, so real and the writing so disturbingly poetic about a subject that makes [...]
Please follow Bitness on Twitter. Our Twitter name is “TheFitGeek” – someone got Bitness before we did. Sadly we were early Twitter adopters for personal use but late in the game to [...]
There is a good interview with Jon Wegener on Thalia about shaping an Alaia. But first, a quick word about Bitness. We’re in the midst of a re-org – lining up manufacturers for new [...]
I’ve owned a Suunto Observer for years, a gift from the wife and I love it. With it I can tell which direction I’m headed, altitude, barometric pressure, temperature and of course the [...]
I've finished oiling the Alaia and all that's left to do now is ride the thing. I had a lot of fun building the Alaia and meeting others out there doing the same all over the world. [...]
I used the tapered point and lightly followed the penciled-on drawing. As the wood became scored, I could press harder to get the burn and depth I wanted. [...]
Paulownia dust tastes like shit. I was smart enough to wear a respirator, but in between sips of beer it was bound to be tasted and digested. I consider it part of the "Alaia chi" - I am now one with this board [...]
For the past seven years, the boffins at Lunocet have been working to develop the most efficient form of underwater human propulsion. The result of those efforts can be had for $1,800 in the form of [...]
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case I think the words better do the talking because it's difficult to capture the progress made with the concave in a photo. [...]
I've begun sanding the concave, but it's hard to tell in pictures so I'll do that in the next update. I started with the belt sander and formed the shallow 'V' in the center of the board. [...]
Significant progress this weekend with the Alaia project. I cut the board to shape with a jigsaw, working in one direction. I said in the previous post that I wouldn't cut the Stuth tail, but I had a change of heart. [...]
It's been hectic since I received the Alaia blank, but I plan to start on it in earnest this weekend and think I have a plan of attack (thanks in large part to Jon Wegner's suggestions via email). [...]